My main altar, as it was back in May of 2007. It was pretty, but I didn't use it as often as I wanted to -- partially because I was feeling something of a disconnect spiritually, and also partially because it felt more ornamental. A friend suggested that I meditate on what gods and goddesses I really wanted to have a relationship with, and also reminded me that my altar is as much for me as it is for them. I think that was a big part of my problem with this altar... it didn't contain much of myself.
A separate problem is the position of the altar (on my dresser), which is a bit awkward since I have to be standing the whole time I'm doing something. I would like an altar that I can kneel in front of of just for comfort's sake, but have no place in the house to set something like that up. I've been working on changing this altar around (it's quite deconstructed at the moment), but I'm also thinking I might need to have some tools and supplies stashed someplace in the living room too where I can just set them up on the floor as needed. It's the only area large enough to have a full circle anyway, so I think that's how it'll be. The bedroom altar will have to just be for devotionals.

I love my Aphrodite shrine, however. It's good as it is. :-)
1 comment:
I love your Aphrodite's altar too, quiet beautiful. In reference to your other post I worship a lot of different Gods from very remote and different cultures, I think is actually quiet easy because, though they have their own particularities, given by the culture where they were breed, they always tend to represent the same archetipical structures. Personally I don't think there is any harm in exploring, soon you'll find the Gods that are really closer to you.
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