I thought I'd make a post about my favorite cookbooks, since I'll probably end up referring to recipes in most if not all of them! I also <3 the word games and giant black cat in this picture, but that is unrelated.
I have to say, my *absolute favorite* of the bunch is Dreena Burton's Eat, Drink, and Be Vegan! (ED&BV) I haven't had a failure yet out of this cookbook (except the one time I misread an ingredient and used tahini instead of tamari... oops). I haven't had a chance to try as many recipes as I'd like yet, but everything I've made has been delicious, and everything that I haven't looks delicious. I'm practically drooling thinking of things I want to try. If there was a vote for the one vegan cookbook everyone should have, I would vote for Eat, Drink, and Be Vegan.
As for the others...
The Vegetarian 5-Ingredient Cookbook, by Nava Atlas - This isn't strictly a vegan cookbook, but most of the recipes actually are. When I first started learning to cook five ingredients seemed like more than enough, and this book was a lifesaver for me! While many of the recipes now seem overly simplistic, at the time I bought this more involved recipes would've discouraged me. It's a great beginner's cookbook, but it also has a lot of recipes that are great as side dishes, or when you want something fast and easy. I've altered many of the recipes in here by adding ingredients.
Veganomicon, by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero - Most of the recipes in here are more time-consuming than I would be able to handle on any given night in the week, unfortunately. Still, there are some really creative recipes that would be good for special occasions... and there are certainly some easier ones scattered throughout. I don't understand why I see everyone recommending this cookbook everywhere -- it is probably my least favorite out of the ones I own.
Vegan with a Vengeance, by Isa Chandra Moskowitz - Lots of basic and tasty recipes! My favorite potato recipe comes from this book, and actually now that I think of it, several of my favorite recipes are from it! Like ED&BV, this is another one I think everyone should have.
Vegan Planet, by Robin Robertson - A comprehensive TOME of all foods vegan. I think this was the very first vegan cookbook I ever bought. If you need a vegan cookbook that will provide you with, like, a bazillion different options... this is the one! Some of the recipes have been hit or miss for me (there is a theme: the ones involving making a white sauce based on tofu, or using silken tofu to replace cheese), but now that my palate has broadened I can tell by flipping through that this is a cookbook I need to revisit.
How it All Vegan!, by Sarah Kramer and Tanya Barnard - I haven't had a chance to use this book too much yet. It seems to focus a lot on making substitutes for non-vegan favorites, and sticks to the basics pretty much as far as other things. Still, there's a whole list of things I want to try in there.
Madhur Jaffrey's World of the East Vegetarian Cooking - Another one that's not solely vegan. I'm a huge fan of Asian and Indian cuisine though, so, I very much appreciate this cookbook!
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